"Kruger Park"- A primeira visita (2)
Africa do Sul
O objectivo inicial, nesta primeira visita ao Kruger, centrou-se em perceber como é que funcionava toda a estrutura logística de apoio do Parque. O facto de viajarmos por nossa conta, em território desconhecido, fez-nos circunscrever a exploração do terreno a uma área limitada, e centrada, à volta da "Malelane Gate". Sendo surpreendidos, de um momento para o outro, com todo o tipo de animais que atravessavam calmamente a estrada, compreende-se que a velocidade máxima, dentro do parque, seja de 50Km/h nas vias alcatroadas (linhas encarnadas) e apenas 20Km/h nas vias de terra batida (linhas amarelas). Contudo, a esse ritmo, a progressão no terreno é extremamente lenta, não deixando grande margem para nos afastarmos da zona sul, uma vez que tinhamos de estar novamente na "Malelane Gate" às 17.30h, de modo a cumprirmos, rigorosamente, o encerramento dos portões. Completamente fascinados com a quantidade de animais que íamos vendo, lembro-me que das primeiras sensações que tive, foi que estava dentro de um documentário da "National Geographic", daqueles que eu adoro ver na televisão, rodeada de bichos por todos os lados. É indescritível o nervosismo inicial, que só acalma quando os animais se vão repetindo e deixam de ser novidade. Depois de explorarmos algumas das vias de terra batida seguimos para o acampamento mais próximo -"Berg-en-Dal" -, situado a 12 Km da "Malelane Gate". A visita a este acampamento iria determinar uma mudança radical nos planos que tinhamos traçado, para as próximas semanas de viagem. Bird: Red-billed Oxpecker - 20cm and an Impala - Fotogr: CRV
10 comentários:
Hello Mr. Lee,
It's always a pleasure visiting your blog and it's an honour to have your comments.Your blog gives a very interesting perspective of the new China: colour, movement, youth. I'm glad you enjoyed my photos. We'll keep in touch. Have a wonderful day. TI
Gracias por tu comentario. Tengo mucho placer y me alegra mucho tu visita. Mi encanta que tengas gustado de mi blog. Gracias, TI
Hola Ti, no sabia que tambien hablas en espanol! :) Thanks for your comments. How long have you been in Africa for? You have such wonderful pictures of animals and nature - one can only dream of seeing what you saw.. When are you going back home? I think looking for things to 'feed' your blog with is good - it keeps you motivated and active! :P As for me - being a very new blogger I have too many things I'd like to write about.. I think I was thinking about starting a blog without doing so for too long! But I try to limit myself by 1 post a day, not to bore others and myself too soon ;) hasta la proxima...
Hi Olga,
Thanks for your comments.
You solamente hablo "portanhol" (portuguese mixed with spanish) porque es muy parecido.:) Your blog is getting rythm, colour and a nice shape, good looking too. Please go on, it's nice to visit you everyday! We stayed 1 month in Africa (Summer 2007). Now I'm in Lisbon working, but soon there'll be another trip...I have to feed this blog...and that's a wonderful excuse, isn't it? ...Get in a plane to get some photos for the blog! Nice excuse Hã? :) After my trips, as you can guess, the problem is to choose among thousands of pictures that I always take.I'm also on that move: 1 post a day not to bother everyone. Hasta la vista muchacha!
Hello once again Hanh,
Welcome to my blog. Thanks for your nice comments and I'm glad your beautiful daughters liked the pictures. Your outfits are really fantastic! It was my pleasure having you here.Bye TI
Portanol suena muy bien! No sabia que esa palabra existe, algo parecido a 'spanglish' :) Thanks for your encouragement, it is great to write when you know someone is reading you :P So your next trip is perhaps India? :) I love traveling myself and I try to go somewhere every now and then, cheap airlines and having friends in different countries really helps! Me and Arek (my bf) are thinking of going to Peru during winter break... Have you ever been to Poland? Let me know if one day you'd like to come to Gdansk - seriously :)
Hola Olga,
Efectivamente Portanhol es muy famoso por aqui! Exactly something like spanglish! :) No, not yet India, this time is just 1 week and it will be nearer, in Marocoo. I want to photograph colour, exotic things and see a different culture. In July there will be a bigger trip with all the family, now is just me and my husband. Believe it you are "talking” with a travelling fanatic. I miss the two inter-rails I did with my brother. We went to the Artic Circle in Finland to visit a pen-friend.It was fantastic. Even today I wouldn’t hesitate to pick a train and travel with a rock bag on my back, no matter where and sleep on the youth hostels. I really miss those days where we met lots of people from other countries. I've never been in Poland but maybe I can plan that next year. Last September we spent some days in Prague and I loved it. The invitation is completely extendable to you and your bf if you ever intend to come to Portugal. It’ll be my pleasure to receive you both. Peru must be beautiful. I was in Venezuela some years ago near the boarder with Colombia and culture there is really interesting. It should be a beautiful trip. See you, TI
Hi TI! Oh, Morocco sounds wonderful! I think you will find so many exotic things to see there, I think you will be really impressed how the culture is different. This is what happened to me when I was in Egypt in February and I found so much beauty around! But I think Morocco is much more colourful - at least due to its geografic position. In Egypt 70% of its beauty is under the water of the Red Sea :)(I will post some more pictures from Egypt soon..)Do think about Poland whenever time permits you, our house is always open to guests and we like to show people around :) About Portugal, I was dreaming of going there for a long time, but somehow we never had an opportunity..thank you for your invitation, we already have this year's holidays planned but next year it would be perfect! How come you chose Venezuela? Were you traveling on business or for pleasure there?
Hi Olga! We are really enthusiastic with Morocco, although it's so near Portugal (maybe because of that) I've never decided to go there...but, at last, now it's definitely. We plan to rent a car, as soon as we arrive to Casablanca, and after we will travel around to Marraquech and other historical cities. I’m excited about shooting a lot of photos. I’ve seen photos from Marraquech and colours are beautiful there. This little breaks from work sound wonderful and help us to charge batteries. You are more than welcome in Portugal and we also love to show Lisbon around to our friends: our castle, the monuments, our tasty food, those cozy places to spend a quiet evening or that nice restaurant with low light and beautiful candles along with a quiet music…you will see…it’ll be fun :) About Venezuela it was really a pleasure trip. We spent there 1 month (I always stay a month abroad!) it was great! We went to Margarita Island in the Caribean Sea, to Canaima – near Amazonas (on the side of Venezuela) and near the Andes mountains near Colombia. It was a very beautiful trip and I’ d like to repeat it with my children. Bye for now, and we’ll keep in touch.
Oh TI, I have just found this comment :) Now I realised you have already replied to me about your trip to Morocco before.. It is great what you say about Venezuela, it is a dream to see the Carribean - the nature there must be something fantastic, I'd love to go one day as well - in the future...
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